Pultguded Gratings
Greenlogy TEC ® Pultruded Gratings
FRP grating for applications where longer support spans are required.
Greenlogy TEC ® Pultruded Gratings
FRP grating for public access and walkways exposed to barefoot traffic .

Phenolic Pultruded Gratings
United States Coast guard (USCG) Level 2 approved performance cirteria for use on vessels and offshore platforms.
Specialty Pultruded Gratings
FRP gratings designed to meet specific requirements brought to us by our customers.

Greenlogy TEC ® Interlocking Flooring
Lightweight, solid flooring used for odor control, trench and tank covers.
Combining corrosion resistance, long-life and low maintenance, Greenlogy TEC© provides unidirectional strength for industrial and pedestrian pultruded grating applications.